OOM - Bitmap resource analysis

For every OOM you get in your app, mostly it’s because there are large Bitmaps were created and kept inside memory at Runtime.

Android Studio provides a handful tool, Profile, which you can use for recording and browsing memory usage. You can easily find all the references that been kept.


##1 - know your memory

If you use the tool on devices with different OS versions, you will see the columns of the results have one different like below:



It’s clear to see one more column call Native Size will be used on Android 8. This is because Google has changed the way to store the pixel data of a Bitmap, which you can check the official document for more detail. To be short, the difference is:

  • Pre 8: store pixel data in Java Heap.
  • Post 8: store pixel data in Native Heap.

So even the pixel data size of Bitmap are both shown in Retained Size, they are stored in different places based on the OS version.

2 - Identify target Bitmap

This will also affect whether we can preview a Bitmap or not. If we profile on devices before 8, we can see the reference image like below:


This is pretty useful when you are just starting to find out what image the Bitmap is.

3 - what should we take more focus on

When you start analyzing the Bitmap memory, you may see the situation like this:


An incredibly large Bitmap exists at Runtime, consuming nearly 8.3MB of memory. It’s quite wasting since the Java heap on low-end devices may only have 16~32MB. This kind of Bitmap will put a lot of pressure on memory and cause GC constantly.

AfterAfter looking into it, it turns out it’s a square image that we use to show the placeholder. And if you do some math on the number, you will find out the size of the image is:

// Since Android will load an image with flag ARGB_8888, we will need 4byte 
// to represent the color of a pixel.
8294471 ≈ 1440 x 1440 x 4 

Potential way out

Except using 3rd party library or tools to shrink image size before importing. Android also provides ways to deal with big image:

  • Enable cruncherEnabled, so the AAPT will shrink the images at compile time.
  • Use WebP instead of PNG, JPG.
  • Use VectorDrawable for graphic icon or symbols.

For more details, you can check the official document.

None of these is a silver bullet to solve the memory issue of Bitmap, because:

  • cruncherEnabled and WebP can only help to shrink the APK size. The Image will still turn into an enormous Bitmap if the original size is big. If you are curious about why WebP doesn’t help, please check OutOfMemoryError - WebP.
  • VectorDrawable is only fully supported by the system with OS version is above 21(Lollipop). The support library can help to support down to 7(Eclair), but instead of using VectorDrawable, it will become VectorDrawableCompat.

How we gonna do

In the end, we choose to use VectorDrawable with the following reason:

  • We’ve already turned to use WebP to shrink APK size, there’s no reason to use PNG again.
  • Most use cases in the project are easy to replace with VectorDrawable.

What we have to do is:

  • Add the vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true in defaultConfig.
  • Replace android:src with app:srcCompat in xml.
  • setImageResource can be kept.

After replacing with VectorDrawable, the size of the largest Bitmap at Runtime will become only 600K:


And 2KB in VectorDrawableComapt on pre 21:


What’s more


Even VectorDrawable seems powerful, you should use it wisely because:

  • VectorDrawable works like drawing graph at Runtime, the calculation and drawing command must-have performance impact.

  • On pre 21. The system will cache VectorDrawableCompat by size, which means if you apply an individual VectorDrawableCompat into Views with different sizes, it will need to recreate and redraw every time. Check official document for more detail.

  • Enable setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled(boolean) to have support on original settings of ImageView or TextView should be careful about OOM issue.

    As I said, none of the solutions is a silver bullet, choose a suitable solution based on the use case. And always remember: “Perf matters“.

Useful command

With devices pre 21, you can’t use Profile to check the memory usage. Instead, you have to dump the heap manually:

  • Find PID
adb shell ps | grep "<package name>"
  • Dump the heap
adb shell am dumpheap <pid> /data/local/tmp/android.hprof
  • Pull the heap file
adb pull /data/local/tmp/android.hprof